Datatag security

Datatag security

Part of our fantastic BeLotto prize package, the Ducati Panigale will have a Datatag security marking system pre-fitted to help protect the bike from theft.

Datatag have been protecting bikes for over 30 years, and are an established theft deterrent. Their marking solution protects all components on the bike by creating a unique identity which is next to impossible to remove entirely.

Visible and hidden technology is applied to the bike to warn thieves that the bike is easily identified by police if it is found stolen. Datatag has a fantastic success rate, and criminals are well aware that the CPS has never lost a court case in which Datatag has been used in evidence. As soon as thieves see the Datatag warning decals on your motorcycle they will usually leave it well alone and go looking for an easier target.

Simply register the bike in your name on the Datatag website and your bike will be protected for life.